What is This Might Resonate?
A monthly newsletter full of earnest inspiration for people seeking unusual ideas and deeper understanding.
Expect wholesome vibes, reading recommendations and occasional writing at the intersection of culture, personal development and the more-than-human world.
I’m Emily, a Devon-dwelling regenerative facilitator, coach, organisational designer, grief tender and writer.
If you want to get started, check out my top post:
What does the title mean?
I often send links to pals, usually with a “this might resonate xx” note attached. I hope this newsletter feels like a friend spotting something you might like and taking the time to share it with you.
Find out more about the process behind
in this blog post.You might enjoy my other newsletters: GriefSick (about chronic illness grief) and Foregather (about women’s creative energy). Yes, I agree that three newsletters is too many newsletters.
Lastly, if you’re curious, I write about my facilitation and coaching work in LinkedIn weeknotes every Friday.