You’re reading This Might Resonate, a monthly newsletter from me, Emily.
I have work capacity coming up for the autumn/ winter. I help teams to collaborate, develop and approach endings in regenerative ways through facilitation, organisational design, coaching and grief work. Read more and get in touch here.
The wonderful Helena Clayton and I had a conversation grief tending, organisational endings and hospicing old systems on her Leading from Love podcast. You can listen wherever you listen to podcasts (e.g. Apple Podcasts).
Copy editing
’s post about all the gorgeous feedback we’ve had about .Reading
Another England: How to Reclaim Our National Story by Caroline Lucas. “The right have hijacked Englishness. Can it be reclaimed?”. If, like me, you’re preoccupied with Englishness, this is the book for you.
Dartmoor 365, a collection of Dartmoor ephemera (overlooked sites of interest, folk stories and local plants). That 90’s cover, iconic! I’ve been reading a few pages a night as a way to settle into my new home in South Devon.
I didn’t finish Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor. The first two chapters are each one long sentence and I believe punctuation exists for a reason.
Very good writing:
Making my son an American: Dispatches from a disorienting summer in UK and US politics by
A Death & Birds post about caring for a baby Goldfinch
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The Bear Season 3, which has sadly jumped the shark
My Lady Jane (A Knight’s Tale crossed with The Great except saucier than both)
The Northman. Apparently the director tried to faithfully recreate 9th century Scandinavian culture, where shamanism and the unseen were part of everyday life. I found it fascinating.
Foregather Hartland
20th - 23rd September 2024
Laura Malan, Fran Cook and I are hosting a gathering in Devon over the Autumn Equinox to support women in making their hopeful ideas a reality.
Through various practices, we’ll be deepening our connection to community, earth and creative energy. And using our combined skills in practical creative strategy and design support to help bring ideas to life.
We’re keeping expressions of interest open until 9am 29th July. Take a look and do get in touch if you have questions (
Still thinking about…
Do you know someone who is growth-oriented and wisdom-seeking? Someone who loves unusual ideas and great reading recommendations? Perhaps they’d like This Might Resonate; please consider sharing this newsletter with them.
You might enjoy my other newsletters: GriefSick (about chronic illness grief) and Foregather (about women’s creative energy). Yes, I agree that three newsletters is too many newsletters.
Lastly, I write about my facilitation, organisational design and coaching work in LinkedIn weeknotes every Friday.